(1) Statement on The Modern Slavery Act 2015
PFPR Communications Limited is dedicated to providing its employees with a positive working environment which complies or exceeds the requirements of all current applicable legislation including human rights, anti-discrimination and basic rights at work. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Employee Handbook and staff contracts reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to help eradicate slavery and human trafficking. In our procurement process, all of our suppliers are reviewed and audited to ensure safe working conditions and to ensure they adopt adequate policies which meet or exceed our purchasing requirements, and those of our clients.
(2) Anti-corruption and Bribery Policy
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. A copy of the PFPR Communications Anti-corruption and Bribery Policy can be viewed upon demand.
(3) Covid-19 Policy
The management of PFPR Communications Limited fully appreciates the risks associated with Coronavirus (Covid-19). The health and safety of our employees, our clients and any visitors to our office are our priority and therefore, we have taken the following precautions to manage the risk and to minimise the possibility of exposure.
• All employees have been advised to work from home at present and are supported in doing so, in line with current government guidance
• Risk assessments for home working have been carried out by all employees
• A full risk assessment has also been carried out on the PFPR Communications offices and for all activities and working practices, ahead of any potential change in government advice to return to office working
• Sanitising materials, such as hand sanitiser and disposable gloves – and face masks for those who prefer to use them, have been provided at the PFPR offices
• Signage and guidance notices of adapted office working practices and procedures have been put in place throughout the office in line with recommendations in the risk assessment
• The PFPR offices have been declared Covid-19 secure and a copy of the government’s Covid-19 Secure poster is on display in our offices and on this website
• The main points of the risk assessment have been shared with all employees and the full risk assessment document has also been made available for reference by employees
• When office working resumes following government guidance, employees will be briefed on all of the new office working practices, the latest health and safety at work guidance and also on any visits to clients’ premises
We are monitoring updates from the government and its medical and scientific advisers and whenever that guidance or legislation changes, we will adapt and update this policy accordingly and advise our employees through regular briefings and other communications.
Peter Rawlinson
June 24th 2020